Claims submissions and disputes

Locate claims tools, check a claim status, dispute a claim, and where to access other Availity features.

Attention Kansas Providers: Availity tools and services will be available for use beginning December 15th, 2024. Please contact our Provider Services team for more information.

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Use Availity for all your claims needs

Healthy Blue Kansas uses Availity — a secure, full-service website offering a claims clearinghouse and real-time transactions at no charge to healthcare professionals. Use Availity to submit claims, check the status of claims, appeal a claim decision, and much more. 


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Finding claims tools on Availity

Submit claims

  1. From the Availity homepage, select Claims & Payments from the top navigation. 
  2. Select Type of claim from the drop-down menu.



Claims status inquiry

  1. From the Availity homepage, select Claims & Payments from the top navigation. 
  2. Select Claim Status Inquiry from the drop-down menu. 



Claims dispute

To check claims status or dispute a claim:

  1. From the Availity homepage, select Claims & Payments from the top navigation. 
  2. Select Claim Status from the drop-down menu. 
  3. Submit an inquiry and review the Claims Status Detail page. 
  4. If the claim is denied or final, there will be an option to dispute the claim. Select Dispute Claim to begin the process. You will be redirected to the Payer site to complete the submission. 



Clear Claims Connection

To use Clear Claims Connection:

  1. From the Availity homepage, select Payer Spaces from the top navigation. 
  2. Select the health plan. 
  3. From the Payer Spaces homepage, select the Applications tab. 
  4. Select the Clear Claims Connection tile.



Related information

Learn about Availity 


Prior authorization lookup tool 



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